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Kremer Physical Therapy, LLC
about us
Our primary goal is to equip all caregivers with the knowledge and confidence to raise happy and healthy babies and toddlers on the path of optimal development.
Rooted in evidence based and clinically supported research, and centered around fun and engagement, Kremer Physical herapy is the premier pediatric physical therapy business for you and your baby in the beginning years.
Kremer Physical Therapy was created to fill a void in the Louisville community and beyond. As expecting parents, we are supported through every stage of pregnancy. But, once our babies are delivered, sometimes we feel stranded and alone with no where to turn. Kremer Physical Therapy is the place to go to ease all of your stresses as you enter into a new world of parenthood. From teaching your baby how to enjoy tummy time, to avoiding head shaping and turning preferences in your young baby, to feeling equipped with ideas to help fussiness, gas, reflux, and constipation, to knowing a typical milestone timeline and how and when your baby should hit those milestones, to knowing which devices and toys are safe and ACTUALLY developmentally appropriate for your baby, and many more concerns, we are here to help offer education and support!
This time of welcoming a new life into your family, should be one of great joy and enjoyment! Let us help you feel confident and prepared in raising a healthy baby!!!