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Kremer Physical Therapy, LLC
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We hope this site helps you along your parenting journey! Please
reach out if you ever have any questions!
Being a new parent is full of new adventures, and it happens with each baby, no matter how many you have! These times are made up of the greatest joys and some really big worries too! At Kremer Physical Therapy, we want to help ease any concerns that may arise about the development of your babies and toddlers! Let us help you learn and feel confident in knowing how to help your baby reach their highest potential in those early years and to be happy doing it! Whether your concern is when your baby should be hitting certain milestones, recovering from a lip, tongue, or buccal tie revision, prevention or treatment of head turning preferences or flat spots on their head, or if you just strive for more education on how to set your young children up for success in their early life, we are here to help!
What if my baby "hates" tummy time?
All too often, I hear that babies "hate" tummy time. I know how that story goes, you hear that tummy time is important somewhere along the new parent journey, whether it be at the hospital or through the pediatrician's office, or from family or friends, so you try it. You lay out a blanket on the floor, get toys or mirrors ready, then you put baby down on the blanket and shake a toy, but baby starts crying 5 seconds later. You shake the toy harder and say reassuring things like "it's ok baby", but the crying worsens and you feel bad so you pick baby up and don't try again because it was stressful on you and on baby and obviously baby hates it!
Well, first and foremost, DON'T get discouraged! Every bit of tummy time that you sneak in with your little one is beneficial! Did you know that even when you are snuggling with your baby and they lie chest to chest on you or another caregiver, that is AWESOME tummy time! So, GREAT JOB!
Now, let's work together to be able to come up with a way to help you and your baby feel confident and be successful in tummy time. Based on age, babies should have anywhere from 30-90+ minutes of HAPPY time in tummy down position. Together, we will work on strategies for you on the variety of ways to promote tummy time, have fun in tummy time, and work on development past the newborn stage! I have done hours of continuing education to learn the best strategies for teaching babies to learn to love tummy time. I utilize and am certified in the internationally recognized and clinically proven method called the TummyTime! Method (more info here). I LOVE watching caregivers grow in their confidence with their new babies and I love watching babies thrive under the guidance of their caregivers. Whether it is in a group setting or in private one on one sessions, I know we will be able to work together to help promote the optimal development of your baby!
How do you know which option is best for you?
Is it the classes in a group setting or an individual session in your home? Well, if you are looking for tips and pointers and a concrete approach for navigating tummy time woes along with other general tips for promoting optimal development in the first year, then the class setting may be perfect for you. In the younger baby (0-4 month or babies not yet rolling) series, we will discuss and master a clinically proven method to tummy time that will reduce stress on you and on baby, increase connection between caregiver and baby AND connection within baby's own personal body systems, promote movement and development, promote optimal head shaping and GI motility, and be fun for everyone. This is also a great option for working through the recovery process after a tongue, lip, or buccal tie revision! We will review the healing process, stretching, and how movement and tummy time will increase the liklihood of success after these revisions! In addition to these topics, the 4th trimester class will discuss appropriate toys, use of devices, babywearing, car seat safety, and typical development over the first year, among other things!
If you are more concerned about a specific issue your baby is having like developing a flat spot on the head (plagiocephaly) or inability to turn one way or the other or always being positioned tilted to one side in a car seat or other device (possibly torticollis), or a delay in some early milestones like rolling or lifting arms and legs against gravity or head control, then a one on one session may be more beneficial.
If there are any questions regarding which setting or option would be the best fit for you, please do not hesitate to reach out to me to discuss options! I look forward to talking with you!
Quick information on Tummy Time
In 1992, the recommendations of Back to Sleep went into effect. Since that time, there has been a significant decrease in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), but babies have also had considerable less time in the prone, or belly down position. The lack of time in the tummy down position has caused a large increase in the incidence of plagiocephaly (head molding issues or flat head syndrome) and torticollis (tight neck muscles). We are also beginning to see that a lack of tummy time has made it difficult to see optimal recoveries following revisions for tongue, lip, and/or buccal ties. Focused, therapeutic tummy time while a baby is awake and supervised is imperative to decrease the incidence of these conditions as well as promote benefits of improved digestion, optimal recovery following tie revisions, and overall balanced musculoskeletal development.
Not only does being in the tummy down position help increase the strength of the neck, shoulder, and back muscles, but it can also decrease the liklihood of delayed motor skills and developing a tight neck or flat head syndrome. The American Academy of Pediatrics also recommends a back to sleep, tummy to play sequence as well. With the back to sleep campaign, we must also remember to balance that time with tummy to play!