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Kremer Physical Therapy, LLC
Speech Therapy
Pediatric Speech Therapy
Pediatric Speech Therapy is a specialized area of speech therapy that focuses on communication needs of the pediatric client. In this field, we focus on the development of sounds, language, voice, tongue movements and use, and social communication skills of children. These skills are crucial for children to develop in order to effectively communicate and participate in daily activities and social interactions. We accomplish these goals through a variety of fun and engaging strategies to create an individualized program based on each clients needs.
If you or your health care provider have concerns about your child's ability to produce sounds or words, the flow or speed of their speech, their ability to understand or produce language at an age appropriate level, or their ability to produce an appropriate quality, pitch, or loudness of their speech, please reach out to us! We offer a free initial phone consultation to discover if a speech therapy initial evaluation is appropriate for your child.
To learn more about our speech and language pathologist, Lindsey Nolan MS, CCC-SLP please click HERE.